“Gathering Space”
Dayton Downtown Metro Library
Architecture is music,
symmetry standing still.
Architecture is imaginations renewed,
rising to the occasion,
synchronized migration, reshaped energy, embodying the multiplicity of community.
This sacred public domain,
healing hues of mint green and royal blue
color in the glory-told story and fable, inherited sovereign ground.
Descendants of descendants
fill one city block
mending Dayton’s great east and west divide.
The eminence of the birthplace of aviation
bruised wings stand in shelved unison with Gem City Buffalo Soldiers,
a legacy of complex parity,
etched through a prism of cross-generational diversity
cataloging fortified dreams
witnessed a witness, witnessing to a witness
vulnerability clothed in scholar garb—
the next lifetime in the distance.
Destination. The Gathering Space
where brilliance roams, wanders, and exhales freely
to decipher histories, to uncover unsung champions
Something compels us to come to picture freedom sitting at dusk;
We are planted autonomy upward spring
the circadian heartbeat of humanity
genres of animated inspiration
pulsating vigor -
With each turning page lives are changed;
worlds are realized.
Welcome to Library
©️Sierra Leone