“Baltimore Boy: Protesting Son”

Baltimore Boy


I celebrate your youthful courage

and your mother's knowing ways.

take this platform and educate.

friends laugh,

mockers call you names.

it’s your choice!

pick up a brick… better yet a government policy book.

you are a leader.

never mind the public baptism your Mom gave.


you are fresh air to burdened birth battles,

voice of your generation;

pulpit dem' Charm City Streets.

evangelize your peers.

vibrate a message that will last long after the riots end.


courageous brave young black male –

leave the repugnant

and bitter hindrance of denial

right, where you found it.


the invisible hand of due process

verses budding self-endorsed solutionary's

the spirit of discernment riding on the wings of anger.

let the windstorm of frustration and hate

birth 21st-century lobbyists and decision-makers.


Young people, you have a right to be here.

remember, foundation work is imperative.

©️Sierra Leone